Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Why we dine: Installment 2

In this household, since it doesn't seem like any international jet-setting is in our imminent future, we like to using dining as our passport to the larger world. And truly there is no better place to do it than on the St. Paul stretch of University Avenue. We fuel our desires to visit Vietnam by sampling freakish amounts of the home-style menu items at Saigon. We pretend that we can see the mountain ranges of Cambodia as we chow down on some "Cha Saiko Kroeung" (beef lemongrass, I think) from Kim Huoy Chor at University and Aldine. We visualize onion-shaped domes and drab Stalinesque apartment buildings as we stuff our faces with piroshki and borscht at the Russian Tea House. And we enjoy the nice, tingling feeling in our bellies after we've eaten a really spicy dish from Little Szechuan.

And people think that the Twin Cities are miracle whip/wonder bread homogeneity?!?! Well, have we got something to show them!

Image: City Pages.

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